T: +44 (0) 203 488 8952 M: +44 (0) 7582 482 662
Searching for the holiday villa in the Algarve.
This property search was your classic holiday villa purchase, with the idea to rent out the new addition when the family weren't using it. So, we needed to find a best-in-class villa both in interior design but also from an easy-let perspective.
The family had flown out on numerous occasions reviewing quite a few prospects, and unfortunately had missed out on two, and had been misled on one.
This had become an extremely frustrating search for the husband and wife, a chore and not the enjoyable experience they had hoped or whished for.
This is where we came in. We're extremely lucky to have a very good contact in Lisbon who knows the market along the coastline better than most and we were able to provide some stunningly beautiful villas, without any competition.